DIY Cascading Flower Party Hats

DIY Cascading Flower Party Hats

I'm a fan of parties - especially garden parties - and if I ever throw one I like things to be pretty from start to finish. Must be an inner girly girl thing?

Party hats are totally underrated, and should be worn by adults WAY MORE OFTEN, and not as a joke! We're so quick to drop the small fun things from our childhood, let's stop that. It's the small things that make life that much sweeter.

With that being said, at your next shindig - I demand that you have party hats! Not just any kind of party hats, but party hats with flair!


Fresh Flowers
Party Hat Template
Glue or Tape
Hot Glue


Cut your party hat template out of your cardstock and glue or tape together into a cone shape.

DIY Cascading Flower Party Hats     DIY Cascading Flower Party Hats

Cut all the stems as close to the base of the flower as possible. mine off the stems. Place a dot of hot glue on the bottom center of the flower. Carefully but firmly glue your flowers in a cascading effect slightly wrapping around the party hat one by one. Start from the bottom.

DIY Cascading Flower Party Hats     DIY Cascading Flower Party Hats

Let the flowers set, and there you have yourself pretty hats for your party!

Are you a fan of parties? What would be your party style? Tell me in the comments below!

xo Elise

Images via Studio DIY

Sunday Reads #1: Marriage Proposals, Rocket Ships & Success

It's Sunday! That means two things - lazy pants and laptops in bed! Now that's a party ;)

Happy reading!

  1. 20 tricks for acing your job interview

  2. Bruno Mars sings with Kai on Ellen - soooo cute!

  3. 33 awesome marriage proposals you couldn't say no to.

  4. How to make mini rocket ship with only a match & tinfoil

  5. Kiss cam oopsy ;)

  6. 25 ways to beat bloggers block!

  7. #SuccessLeavesClues

  8. 30 futuristic kitchen products you never knew you needed

  9. Why you should be cooking with coconut oil instead of olive oil

  10. Ellen puts a homophobe in his place - hell yeah!

xo Elise


Canal Sliding in Costa Rica

I've always had the heart of an explorer. 

When I was little, every school holidays we would swim at Lake Tarawera - a majestic lake, with a mysterious story of it's own. My cousins and I used to dive off the jetty's, swim along the bays and dive deep down into the dark depths where there was only you and the lake weed - and maybe a trout or two.

But there was one place only the daring could get to. A hidden cove with a waterfall and a sheltered sandbar lay almost untouched. The only thing was you had to venture deep into the forest that ran the outline of the lake. The only way to get to it was to trek upstream through the creek. It was tricky, and most gave up because it looked dangerous, but when you reached the cove it was worth the scratches from the thorn bushes and bugs knotted in your hair.

Unfortunately today the forest has taken back it's hidden treasure, the entire creek leading out from the waterfall is overgrown with thorns. But that little explorer, that little treasure hunter still lives in me.

Here's proof! My favourite book is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. My favourite games are Uncharted and Tomb Raider. My childhood hero growing up was Carmen Sandiego. Movies? Pirates of the Caribbean, Indiana Jones, National Treasure and The Goonies. Tell me I wasn't mean't to be a treasure hunter!

Canal Swimming in Costa Rica

Genie from Bunny Eats Design evoked out of me a deep and dormant desire by creating this #Wanderlust tag amongst the Brunch Clubbers. I knew I had to participate.

Where was your first plane to?

New Caledonia. I mean I was only 3 months old - so I remember squat. If that doesn't count, then it was Fiji when I was four. Where I got bitten by a baby shark, swam the coral reef with the All Blacks, wandered the hotel alone, used my "I'm lost" cuteness skills on the pool barman for free fizzy drinks and returned back to NZ a shade darker than night.

Where have you traveled to that you would love to visit again?

The entirety that is Italy. I swear to god you let me loose in that country, you'll never see me again. Other than that, I'm very much drawn to countries and cities with thousands of years of ancient history like Egypt, Indonesia, Mexico & China.

You’re leaving tomorrow, money is no object, where are you going?

Ziplining through Costa Rica, Glamping in Tanzania, Hiking to Machu Piccu, Riding a camel through the Sahara Desert. I'm going to the places myths and legends were written about. Places with history and unsolved mysteries. And, I also really want to go to this water park in China.

Preferred method of travel; planes, trains or car?

I should say planes for the convenience, but I crap myself every time there's turbulence or I have to flush the toilet, and having long spider legs they tend to dislike being forces into a small confined space for several hours. So my first choice is the train. You see so much more that most don't ever see. Leg space isn't an issue when you're in a booth. You can face the people you travel with and have a conversation. And you get to marvel at the scenery longer. I like that a lot.

Favourite travel website?

When I need in-depth information with clear advice and opinions, I go to my Aussie friends at yTravelBlog. For bookings, I love Expedia. I had such an unfortunate turn of events happen last time I booked through them, but they moved heaven and earth for me and turned my smile right back around, so I am a die-hard fan now. And for guilty pleasure? The Londoner.

Swing Bridge in Ecuador

Where would you travel to just eat the food?

Easiest question of all. Two countries. Italy and Thailand. Expose me to either one of these cuisines and I become a gluttonous pig. The fresh simplicity of Italian food - pasta, pizza, prosciutto, and the spicy flavours of Thai - I cannot resist. *drool*

Is there a place you would never go again?

LA. It sucked soooooo bad when I was there. I was so unimpressed by it's dirty averageness. I don't know whether I just met the wrong people, took the wrong tour, explored the wrong streets. It just seemed like some big ass concrete block. I mean, I'm a big fan of second chances - especially if they're deserved - so if you believe you can change my opinion, give me your best tips for the next time I go!

Can you recite your passport number from memory if asked?

Yes-ish. Which reminds me, I'm pretty sure I have to renew my passport this year. Yikes!

Do you prefer the Window, Aisle, or Middle seat?

Window always - except for when my bladder is about to burst because I've been needing to go to the bathroom for the last hour but the stranger next to me is asleep. That's never fun.

How do you pass the time on the air plane?

My ritual is: Movie first, then some inspirational "high-on-life" music. If the flights a long one, I'll touch on some light reading, usually my Mothers self-published book, Make Love With Travel, for great tips and to feel like she's actually there with me - yes that is me on the cover. And then maybe a nap, because sleepy panda.

What about you? Is there an explorer in you? Where would you go if time or money wasn't an issue? Tell me in the comments below!

xo Elise

P.S - These stunning bloggers are the #BlogBrunchers who also participated in the #Wanderlust tag, pleae go visit them! Bunny Eats DesignThe Life and Times, Sarah Sees The WorldThis is Meagan KerrMove Love EatBecca Jane LeeDani PohlodxoxBubblesLove from Jess xo

25 Ways To Kick Bloggers Block In The Ass

25 Ways To Kick Bloggers Block In The Ass

It came out of nowhere..

When everything was running perfectly and my little blog was gaining a lot of momentum. All of a sudden I didn't know what to write, I tried and I tried but no matter what I did I turned into a little rebellious teenager and ran away from the computer!

I'd procrastinate and switch topics constantly. I believed that if I just got 'clarity' I'd be able to write again.

I got tons of clarity and still convinced myself that it wasn't perfect. I went round and round in circles but I still persisted - which is kind of the main point here.

I'm not saying it's easy or it'll only last a little while, but as long as you persist and never freakin' give up, the clouds will clear and you'll be on your way again.

If you're seriously stuck, use these ideas to help you beat it!

  1. Write a how-to post.
  2. Write a letter to your younger self.
  3. Re-write and improve upon one of your most popular posts.
  4. Take stock & add your pictures.
  5. Share something that scares you.
  6. Write a letter to your future child(ren).
  7. Start vlogging instead.
  8. Create a new regular column or feature.
  9. Create a character and write a story around them.
  10. Start your bucket list.
  11. Write about something you're insanely passionate about.
  12. Set a timer for 10 minutes and just start writing!
  13. Write a post about someone you idolise.
  14. Make a list of your favourite blog posts.
  15. Write about an upcoming event you're excited for.
  16. Write a top 10 list of your favourite beauty products, dresses, bloggers etc.
  17. Share a secret about yourself.
  18. Interview a blogger you admire.
  19. Just write 75 words.
  20. Ask your best friends and family for ideas.
  21. Write about what you were like as a child/teenager.
  22. Tell a fiction story, fairytale etc.
  23. Write about your favourite memory.
  24. Tell us what you’re grateful for.
  25. Never ever give up!

Are you going through bloggers block right now? How are you planning to kick it's ass?

xo Elise

2015 Goals & Plans

2015 Goals & Plans

Doesn't 2015 feel like it's gonna be a year that puts out? Damn, it does! I hope you spent your New Years with people you adore - because you know what they say - what happens on NYE dictates how the rest of your year will go. No BS.

Now even if we promised we wouldn't buy into the resolution thing that comes along with the dawn of a new year, we still find ourselves quietly planning things we'd like to do. I'd like to share my non-resolution goals & plans with you. That cool? Awesome!

Blogging + Business

Get my butt back into blogging: I've felt so out of touch with blogging over the last 2-3 years. It's like being a uni student - you know what to do & how to do it, but you still procrastinate anyway. 2015 is the year I get back on it. Where's the proof you say? Just wrapped up my day of blog + business planning for the year. BOOM!

Stick to a post schedule: Friends, you gotta help me with this one. I aim to post 3x per week. Not too stressful to begin with and not too pitiful that everyone will condemn my widdle blog forever. You have full permission to kick my ass if I don't do it okay?

Collaborate more: The key is in collaboration, but moreso I just want to meet and hang with more like-minded bloggers and create some really awesome stuff together!

Build a community: This has been something I've been the most excited about. Getting to know you! It'll take time, but I swear I'm a keeper. I'll have your back in 'who did it' situations, make you chicken soup when you're sick - okay not make, but it's the gesture that counts! - and i'll patiently give you feedback from work via email on the thousands of online shopping items you want to purchase.

Increase number of email subscribers: 1000 is the goal baby!

Launch secret projects: One is set to launch this month! ;)


Move to a bigger home:
Scott and I are in a position where we're able to afford more space, and where we are right now we've outgrown. I'm thinking somewhere near the sea...

Get rid of anything I don't want or need: This is more about how much crap I've accumulated over the years. Crap I don't need, and some I don't even want, it's all excess, and no person needs to have this much. I'd much rather it go to a person who does need it and accumulate experiences & memories instead.

Become debt free: I don't have a lot of debt, but what I do have has been like a thorn in my side terrorising me in my deepest sleep for the past year. So I'm bringing it out into the light and tackling it bit by bit. I'll have it paid off within the year no sweat.

Buy only what I LOVE: This is going to be quite difficult. We all know a good deal when we see it, but for me I love bargain hunting. So when I see a great deal, I usually get it! But the thing is, I might not even need, like or want the item. Here begins the practise of making purchases only for what stands out to me and makes me go, "HOLY SHIITAKE MUSHROOM! I LOVE THAT!"

Build strong relationships with family & friends: This is the goal I'm most excited about. I'll tell you more later.

Visit to America with Scott: It's been Scott's dream since he was knee high to a grasshopper to visit the Americas. 2015 is the year we make that a reality for him. Bring on the Americation!

Philanthropy: I really want to start giving back. To begin with through regular donations, but eventually I'd really like to give my time. Volunteer at a chidren's hospital, raise a seeing eye dog for the Blind Foundation or help out at a soup kitchen over Christmas. *warm fuzzies*

Eat, eat, eat: Weird right? Shouldn't it be eat less? NO! I'm sick of eating sub-par meals that have no joie de vivre! I miss having an appetite for deliciousness, for gourmet, for pungent, for FLAVOUR. I want to eat real food instead of sticking to some kind of obnoxious meal plan that ensures I'll be healthy but miserable foreverrrr.

What are some of your goals? Are they the usual get fit, fall in love and make lots of money?  Or are they different, unusual, aligned to what you're really wanting? Tell me in the comments below!

xo Elise

Image from Sugar & Cloth

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