Pilates has always scared the bejesus out of me.
They make it look deceivingly easy. "Lie down on a mat and flail your legs in the air", how hard could it be? TRY IT.
Thankfully I have never attempted pilates in front of humans before. Ain't nobody want to see that!
As part of my 'transform my body & get fitter' goal in my #YearOfFirsts tag (which you should totally join btw!), I've decided to face my fears and tackle pilates - cause let's face it - when you get to your mid to late 20's, things don't bounce back as easily as they used to, and you've got to try just a little bit harder to keep them the way they are. Right!?

Enter, Casey Ho. I have been a Blogilates follower for the last few years and always find myself being drawn back to it every so often. The reason being is that Casey is so lovely, incredibly sweet, super bubbly, full or motivational spirit and totally genuine.
Of all the at-home workout vids I've seen, she is definitely the best. I think because it feels like she's interacting with you like a normal person, and goes off on tangents about random topics even though she's still teaching you what to do!
She's definitely a virtual workout buddy you want.
Casey created a 4 week beginners plan for people like me who want to give pilates a crack. I thought I'd give it a shot and let you know how I go. I mean, what's the worst that could happen? I get rock hard abs and a tight butt? :P

Day 1: Today was the total body workout for beginners. I lasted all of 5 minutes. 5 MINUTES. Actually, not even that. My abs were quivering in the first 30 seconds. THE FIRST 30 SECONDS YOU GUYS. I have met my Everest.
Day 2: Okay I did my 10 sit ups, and no ab workout. I went for a 20 minute walk that included stairs instead. Back to the vids tomorrow, excited for the bubble butt workout! LOL.
Day 3: Bubble butt was a success! Extremely challenging when trying to balance on one knee, suck stomach in and tighten butt at the same time while lifting leg in the air. But it felt GOOD, like the first step to progress was being taken. I also went for a 30 minute power walk. Love my walks.
Day 4: I really liked today's fat burning cardio warm-up & inner thigh workout for beginners. I lasted both sessions, (skipped the headstand - not ready for that yet), and although the thighs were challenging it wasn't hard or exhausting. It's more mentally challenging with your tolerance to pain levels. Haha, it's only day 4 but I feel like I've made quite an improvement since day 1!
Day 5: No pilates today, but spent 20 minutes doing aerobics!
Day 6: I'm out of town for the weekend, so didn't get to do Day 6. BUT, I went on a 3 hour walk and bike then went bodysurfing in the sea for half an hour.
Day 7: No pilates again, but went for a walk at the beach!
Day 8: I'll be back on it tomorrow!
Day 9: Started back up again and am a little bit sore today!
Day 10: These side planks are killer! Regular planks are a struggle let alone side planks!
Day 11: Okay the 6 minute sexy thighs is pretty awesome. Kicks my ass but I feel the burn!!
Day 12: Took a break today and went and played touch instead with my work colleagues. I think I should have just stayed home and done pilates. I am buggered!!!!
Day 13: Planks, planks, planks and more planks :'( I do feel like my abs are getting a lot tighter however!
Day 14: Rest day, oh my god I needed this.
Day 15: Went for a nice long flat walk out in the Waitakere's today. It was good to be outdoors in nature and get my body moving in a nice easy way.
Day 16: Back on it! The 5 minute ab express can kiss my butt! Ouch!
Day 17: Great workout today, I had so much energy! Even the ab workout wasn't too bad.
Day 18: Skipped pilates to play indoor netball today. Had so much fun, and got my heart pumping!
Day 19: So there's a lot of ab work going on. I feel myself quivering when I do the exercises but I also feel a heck of a lot stronger than when i began. Dare I say it, I think I have actual abs now!?
Day 20: Decided to take a rest day from all the ab work and just went for a walk around the neighbourhood instead. Saw the best sunset of my life!
Day 21: Played touch tonight. Oh man, so much running!
Day 22: It's the home stretch!! These butt exercises.. I LOVE THEM!!!
Day 23: I love how they call it a quick ab workout, because it never feels quick when you're doing it.
Day 24: I really just didn't feel up to anything today. Had kind of a bad day so relaxed in front of the couch, watched some Empire and ate chocolate. LOL
Day 25: Played indoor netball today! It was a killer game. We won though! That was amazing!
Day 26: Crunches! Ah I feel so strong now! And the soul workout. Damn. Did I just get fit?
Day 27: Okay I actually loved finishing off my challenge with abs and butt workouts. Kicked me to the curb butt damn I feel good!
Day 28: Phew! What a mission. I feel so damn proud of myself for my achievement. I never thought I could do it. But I can honestly say that I am fitter, tighter and stronger than 30 days ago and I love how I feel! This has definitely given me the confidence to continue on with doing pilates (which I thought I despised not so long ago!!!). Now, time for chocolate!!! :D
Have you tried pilates before? What would your tips be for beginners?
xo Elise
Ooh this is such a good idea. I've watched her before but find myself always getting slightly annoyed that she can be so chirpy while I'm dying. 5 minutes is still an awesome effort! Great post (:
ReplyDeleteGreat blog suggestion, I might have to check out this blogilates, I've been cutting my dietary intake for the majority of the past year, but I should probably attempt to build some muscle at some point so all of those elements in the 4 week calendar sound great!
ReplyDeleteWow Ben, I definitely I'm not ready to tamper with my diet any time soon. It's such a emotional yet primal thing for me, and I think for women in general. Ever experience a hangry female? Not fun for boys I've discovered lol. But yes, I think this is a great way to build muscle, especially if you don't have access to a gym or don't like gyms :)
ReplyDeleteHahah I suppose that's why I haven't seen much progress then XD