Year of Firsts

Year of Firsts Bucket List

It all started with a weird birthday. I was bored. Bored of my limited choices. I was over my weak excuses, my untamed emotions and my irrational fears. I was stuck in a bubble. And then as the months and years flew by, the thought of bursting out of that bubble became more and more frightening.

I'd lost so much faith in myself, I'd forgotten who I was. And the only thing more impossible than staying where I was, was having the courage to leave it for the unknown.

What if it didn't work out? What if I failed? What if I looked stupid? What if I die?

But I was dying to live.

So I leaped.

Welcome to the Year of Firsts. A year dedicated to myself and the breaking my comfort zone. A year focused solely on eliminating my fears and doing what I really want to do with my life. A year where I experience many things for the first time (sometimes, all over again).

Will you join me?

No more stalling. No more playing small. I'm looking the world in the eye and making my presence known, because fortune favours the bold.

I'm acting on impulse and stealing my own show. Playing with chance and making spontaneity a lifestyle. Following my curiosity, and living as un-carefully as possible.

This is my life, and I'm going all out to have it. I'm taking my year of firsts by the guts, and steering them toward the horizon of endless possibility. Why? Because it terrifies me to think that I'd be imprisoned in that bubble forever.

What about you?

"50 years from now when you're looking back at your life, don't you want to be able to say you had the guts to do it" - Sam Witwicky, Transformers


- Make a list of at least 20 - 30 'firsts' you want to experience this year - make them detailed & juicy!
- Document those experiences by taking photos & bloging about them, linking back to your list.
- Post your url in the comment section. I will add your link to the list of participants below.
- Leave a comment on the other participants #YearOfFirsts posts! :)


  1. Go to a bloggers meet up
  2. Walk, walk, walk...
  3. Attempt bigger DIY projects
  4. Discover more of Rotorua
  5. Move into a house by the sea
  6. Join/play a social sport with friends
  7. Start mountain biking
  8. Enter the tough guy & gal competition
  9. Grow The Confetti Room to 1000 visits per day
  10. Practice better iPhoneography
  11. Swim in the sea
  12. Host an event for bloggers
  13. Travel with Scott overseas
  14. Grow my after school programme
  15. Try out a stunt workshop
  16. Get fitter
  17. Make jam jar cocktails
  18. Write a children's story
  19. Get a makeover
  20. Spend time alone
  21. Try at least one of these: paint ball, laser tag, go-karting, hot air ballooning, jet skiing, sky diving, ride a harley, walk through tree tops, go whale watching, visit an aquarium or the zoo.
  22. Go on road trips with friends and/or family
  23. Practice emotional fitness
  24. Bake/cook dishes I've never attempted before
  25. Try new foods
  26. Go on more dates
  27. Spend more time with mum.
  28. Step outside my comfort zone.
  29. Build friendships with colleagues.
  30. Do something life changing.

The Brave, The Bold & The Daring
#YearOfFirsts Participants

  1. Charlotte // How Do You Do 22
  2. Ben // Ben Evans
  3. Genie // Bunny Eats Design
  4. Dani // Dani Pohlod
  5. Emma // Emma Louisa
  6. Leah // The Kid Bucket List
  7. Ashley // Organic Ash
  8. Elese // Elese Aesthete
  9. Lu // Looking for Mama Me
  10. Paris // A Ticket to Paris
  11. Amber // Amber in Wonderland
  12. Katie // Beautiful Temptations
  13. Breanna // Montage Madness in a Paintbox
  14. Cynthia // Flourishing Wellness

xo Elise

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  1. Splits really takes regular practice, every day is best. I used to be a dancer and cheerleader and practice practice practice will get you there!

    1. Oh wow Lena that's awesome! Yeah I'm the most unflexible person on the planet so I've started doing pilates or blogilates I should say. Small steps!

  2. Thanks for starting this tag. Some of these are more than one entry: Walk through tree tops, go whale watching, visit an aquarium & ride a roller coaster. Try paint ball, laser tag, go-karting, hot air ballooning, jet skiing, sky diving & ride a harley. This makes me tired just reading the list! I love # 28, expanding your palate. I have never met a food I wouldn't eat and I've had a lot of fun doing so :)

    1. Haha, I categorized a few of them into one because I consider them as the same thing - and I've got a few years backlogged of things I'd like to accomplish asap because, well, why the hell not? I'm getting old remember! :P

      I read somewhere that most of us keep the same palates throughout life that we learned in childhood, and that just doesn't sit well with me. I've been pushing myself to try more rich and pungent foods, and i'm having a great time! :D


    1. I'm on board, what a great idea! Mine are a little less adventurous than yours, well done, number #20 would be so fun!

    2. What are you talking about Ashley? You have some fantastic goals! Homemade shampoo?? YES PLEASE!!! :D

  4. just finished writing mine - loved reading this post Elise! I especially empathise with the post that led to you writing this one <3 my #yearoffirsts post will be live tomorrow! x

    1. Awesome Elese! Can't wait to read your post!!xx


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