Do you get Happy Mail? You should. Imagine never having to buy another greeting card EVER AGAIN. I've signed up for 12 months. Can you imagine how many cards I'll have at the end of my subscription!?
Anyway, my point is, I have received quite a lot of cards that I love the designs and quotes of, and instead of giving them away I want to display them around the house as art.
I thought of doing this by clipping some in a row with wooden pegs, but the pegs looked a bit dull, so I decided to give them a bit of colour!
- A dozen wooden pegs
- Coloured washi tape
Lay out a strip of your chosen washi tape on the flat side of the peg, if you can tear it off do that, it not, cut it finely at the edge of the peg. DONE!

How easy was that?
xo Elise
P.S - washi tape ring dish tutorial :)
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